Services: Drupal 8 and Drupal 10, Google Analytics, Cloud-based, Decisia API

Client: The Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) is an independent administrative tribunal. This means that it functions like a court, but its procedures are less formal. The Board’s job is to resolve workplace disputes and certain appeals that arise under the Canada Labour Code, the Status of the Artist Act and the Wage Earner Protection Program Act.

Project summary: The organization had a convoluted, extremely outdated web site that was under constant criticism for its lack of clarity and confusing structure. Moreover, the back-end technology of the site was outdated and glitching, creating challenges for users. The CITB therefore decided to overhaul its web presence with a new design, new architecture and new CMS.

Ngage’s Impact: Ngage was selected for the project because of their extensive knowledge of UX/UI and creating more user-focused sites. In addition, the CIRB trusted Ngage’s extensive knowledge of the Government of Canada compliance requirements such as usability, interoperability and web accessibility. The team started by creating user profiles and users journeys. They then created a new IA and menu structure. Once the core strategic elements were complet, the team created 3 designs for the CIRB to choose from. Two designs were taken through A/B testing and the final design was selected. This design was programmed into the Drupal 8 WxT distribution and all testing was conducted.

Result: The new CIRB was an instant success among CIRB’s stakeholders. Their comments ranged from admiring the new, modern look of the site, the ease of use, the usability of the new decisions interface and the excitement over the new navigation wizard.


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1 Rideau St, Suite 700
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 8S7

Tel: 613-869-9321